§ 7321. Special powers and limitations.
(a) General rule.--Each electric cooperative corporation shall have power (in addition to or limitation of the powers conferred by section 5502 (relating to general powers)):
(1) To generate, manufacture, purchase, acquire and accumulate electric energy and to transmit, distribute, sell, furnish and dispose of such electric energy to its members only; and to construct, erect, purchase, lease as lessee and, in any manner, acquire, own, hold, maintain, operate, sell, dispose of, lease as lessor, exchange and mortgage plants, buildings, works, machinery, supplies, equipment, apparatus and transmission and distribution lines or systems necessary, convenient or useful.
(2) To assist its members only to wire their premises and install therein electrical and plumbing fixtures, machinery, supplies, apparatus and equipment of any and all kinds and character and, in connection therewith and for those purposes, to purchase, acquire, lease, sell, distribute, install and repair electrical and plumbing fixtures, machinery, supplies, apparatus and equipment of any and all kinds and character and to receive, acquire, endorse, pledge, hypothecate and dispose of notes, bonds and other evidences of indebtedness.
(3) To furnish to other corporations organized under this chapter, or to the members thereof, electric energy, wiring facilities, electrical and plumbing equipment and services convenient or useful.
(4) In connection with the acquisition, construction, improvement, operation or maintenance of its lines, to use any highway or any right-of-way, easement or other similar property right owned or held by the Commonwealth or any political subdivision thereof.
(5) To have and exercise the power of eminent domain for the purpose and in the manner provided by the condemnation laws of this Commonwealth relating to public utility corporations for acquiring private property for public use, such right to be paramount except as to property of the Commonwealth or of any political subdivision thereof or any public utility corporation, other than one engaged in furnishing electric energy to the public, except that the right of eminent domain shall exist in order to cross the lines of any public utility not furnishing electric energy if the crossing is effected in such manner as not to interfere with the service lines or the service of the public utility.
(6) To fix, regulate and collect rates, fees, rents or other charges for electric energy and any other facilities, supplies, equipment or services furnished by the corporation.
(7) To accept gifts or grants of money, services or property, real or personal.
(8) To do and perform, either for itself or its members or for any other corporation, or for the members thereof, any and all acts and things and to have and exercise any and all powers as may be necessary, convenient or appropriate to effectuate the purpose for which the corporation is incorporated.
(b) Enumeration unnecessary.--It shall not be necessary to set forth in the articles of the corporation the powers enumerated in this chapter.
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