18 Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes Chapter 67 - Proprietary And Official Rights
- Chapter Notes
- Section 6701 - Wearing Of Uniforms And Insignia
A person is guilty of a summary offense if, without authority, he: (1) wears or displays the uniform, decoration, insignia or other distinctive emblem...
- Section 6702 - Sale Of Veterans' Flowers
A person is guilty of a summary offense if, without authority, he sells, or offers for sale, the labeled artificial flowers, or any imitation...
- Section 6703 - Dealing In Military Decorations
A person is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree if, without authority, he purchases, sells, or offers for sale, or accepts as...
- Section 6704 - Fraud On Association Having Grand Lodge
A person is guilty of a summary offense if, without the authority of the grand lodge described in this section, he: (1) fraudulently uses,...
- Section 6705 - Use Of Containers Bearing Owner's Name (Repealed)
§ 6705. Use of containers bearing owner's name (Repealed). 1987 Repeal Note. Section 6705 was repealed July 9, 1987, P.L.215, No.37, effective in 90
- Section 6706 - Use Or Possession Of Stamped Containers (Repealed)
§ 6706. Use or possession of stamped containers (Repealed). 1987 Repeal Note. Section 6706 was repealed July 9, 1987, P.L.215, No.37, effective in 90
- Section 6707 - False Registration Of Domestic Animals
A person is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree if he, by any false pretense, obtains from any club, association, society or...
- Section 6708 - Retention Of Library Property After Notice To Return
(a) Offense defined.--A person is guilty of a summary offense if he retains any book, pamphlet, magazine, newspaper, manuscript, map or other property belonging...
- Section 6709 - Use Of Union Labels
A person commits a misdemeanor of the third degree if, without the authority of the labor union or unions interested, such person: (1) uses...
- Section 6710 - Unauthorized Use Of Registered Insignia
A person commits a summary offense if, without authority, such person knowingly wears, exhibits, displays or uses, for any purpose, any insignia registered under...
- Section 6711 - Retention Of Military Property After Notice To Return
(a) Offense defined.--A person who fails to return any military property, equipment, identification papers or other items belonging to the armed forces of the...
- Section 6712 - Use Of Carts, Cases, Trays, Baskets, Boxes And Other Containers
(a) General rule.--A person owning shopping carts, laundry carts or containers may adopt and use a name or mark on the carts or containers...
Last modified: October 8, 2016