20 Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes Chapter 58 - Mental Health Care
Subchapter A. General Provisions
- Section 5801 - Applicability
(a) General rule.--This chapter applies to mental health declarations and mental health powers of attorney. (b) Preservation of existing rights.--The provisions of this chapter...
- Section 5802 - Definitions
The following words and phrases when used in this chapter shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the context clearly...
- Section 5803 - Legislative Findings And Intent
(a) Intent.--This chapter provides a means for competent adults to control their mental health care either directly through instructions written in advance or indirectly...
- Section 5804 - Compliance
(a) Duty to comply.-- (1) An attending physician and mental health care provider shall comply with mental health declarations and powers of attorney. (2)...
- Section 5805 - Liability
(a) General rule.--A person who is a physician, another mental health care provider or another person who acts in good faith and consistent with...
- Section 5806 - Penalties
(a) Offense defined.--A person commits a felony of the third degree by willfully: (1) Concealing, canceling, altering, defacing, obliterating or damaging a declaration without...
- Section 5807 - Rights And Responsibilities
(a) Declarants and principals.--Persons who execute a declaration or a mental health power of attorney shall have the following rights and responsibilities: (1) For...
- Section 5808 - Combining Mental Health Instruments
(a) General rule.--A declaration and mental health power of attorney may be combined into one mental health document. (b) Form.--A combined declaration and mental...
Subchapter B. Mental Health Declarations
- Section 5821 - Short Title Of Subchapter
This subchapter shall be known and may be cited as the Advance Directive for Mental Health Act.
- Section 5822 - Execution
(a) Who may make.--An individual who is at least 18 years of age or an emancipated minor and has not been deemed incapacitated pursuant...
- Section 5823 - Form
A declaration may be in the following form or any other written form that expresses the wishes of a declarant regarding the initiation, continuation...
- Section 5824 - Operation
(a) When operative.--A declaration becomes operative when: (1) A copy is provided to the attending physician. (2) The conditions stated in the declaration are...
- Section 5825 - Revocation
(a) When declaration may be revoked.--A declaration may be revoked by the declarant at any time, either orally or in writing, in whole or...
- Section 5826 - Amendment
(a) Capacity to amend.--While having the capacity to make mental health decisions, a declarant may amend a declaration by a writing executed in accordance...
Subchapter C. Mental Health Powers of Attorney
Last modified: October 8, 2016