Section 8102 - Findings
The General Assembly finds and declares as follows: (1) This Commonwealth's long history of mining and the extraction of oil and gas has left...
Section 8103 - Purpose
This chapter is intended to encourage the improvement of land and water adversely affected by mining and oil and gas extraction, to aid in...
Section 8104 - Definitions
The following words and phrases when used in this chapter shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the context clearly...
Section 8105 - Eligibility And Project Inventory
(a) General rule.--A landowner or person who voluntarily provides equipment, materials or services at no charge or at cost for a reclamation project or...
Section 8108 - Permits And Zoning
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as waiving any existing permit requirements or waiving any local zoning requirements.
Section 8110 - General Permits
If the department determines it will further the purposes of this chapter, the department may issue a general permit for each reclamation project or...
Section 8111 - Exceptions
(a) General rule.--Any person who under existing law shall be or may become responsible to reclaim the land or treat or abate the water...
Section 8112 - Water Supply Replacement
A public or private water supply affected by contamination or the diminution caused by the implementation of a reclamation project or the implementation of...
Section 8113 - Orphan Oil And Gas Wells
A reclamation project or water pollution abatement project shall not be implemented in a manner which will limit access to an orphan gas well...
Section 8114 - Regulations
The department may promulgate rules and regulations necessary to implement the provisions of this chapter.