3 Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes Chapter 21 - Bees
- Chapter Notes
- Section 2101 - Short Title Of Chapter
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the Bee Law.
- Section 2102 - Definitions
The following words and phrases when used in this chapter shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the context clearly...
- Section 2103 - Chief Apiary Inspector
The secretary shall appoint a chief apiary inspector to be in charge of all apiary inspections and shall appoint such additional apiary inspectors as...
- Section 2104 - Quarantines
The department may establish, modify and maintain such quarantines as may be necessary to control the shipment into or within this Commonwealth of any...
- Section 2105 - Registration Of Apiaries
(a) General rule.--The owner of an apiary located in this Commonwealth shall register the apiary with the department. (b) Application.--The application for registration of...
- Section 2106 - Inspection
The department through the inspectors shall at least twice during each summer season inspect all queen apiaries. If from the inspection it appears that...
- Section 2107 - Diseases
(a) General rule.--The department through the inspectors shall, as far as practicable, inspect all apiaries in this Commonwealth. If upon inspection it is found...
- Section 2108 - Infected Shipments
Infected shipments, apiaries where the existing disease cannot be successfully treated and apiaries which are affected by disease amenable to treatment but which have...
- Section 2109 - Prohibitions
(a) Infected colonies, hives or appliances.--No person shall knowingly keep in his possession without proper treatment any colony of bees affected with any bee...
- Section 2110 - Free Access
The department, the chief apiary inspector and any apiary inspector shall have free access, ingress and egress to and from any apiary, premises, building...
- Section 2111 - Transportation
No person shall transport bees, hives or appliances into this Commonwealth unless they are accompanied with a certificate of inspection signed by the chief...
- Section 2112 - Imported Bees
No person shall import any living insects belonging to the genus Apis from any foreign country except Canada for any purpose without written permission...
- Section 2113 - Penalties
(a) First violation.--A first violation of this chapter or any order or regulation promulgated under this chapter constitutes a summary offense punishable by a...
- Section 2114 - Civil Penalties
(a) Assessment.--The department may assess a civil penalty of not more than $1,000 upon a person for each violation. (b) Contest.--If a civil penalty...
- Section 2115 - Injunctions
The Attorney General at the request of the department may initiate in the Commonwealth Court or the court of common pleas of the county...
- Section 2116 - Concurrent Remedies
The penalties and remedies prescribed by this chapter are concurrent. The existence or exercise of any remedy shall not prevent the exercise of any...
- Section 2117 - Disposition Of Funds
Moneys received from registration fees, fines and civil penalties shall be paid into the State Treasury and shall be credited to the general government...
Last modified: October 8, 2016