§ 7802. Definitions.
The following words and phrases when used in this chapter shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Advanced life support services." The term shall have the meaning given to it in Chapter 81 (relating to emergency medical services system).
"Agency." The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.
"Basic life support services." The term shall have the meaning given to it in Chapter 81 (relating to emergency medical services system).
"Commissioner." The State Fire Commissioner.
"Facility." A structure or portion thereof intended for the purpose of storage or protection of firefighting apparatus, ambulances and rescue vehicles and related equipment and gear. The term does not include meeting halls, social halls, social rooms, lounges or any other facility not directly related to firefighting or the furnishing of ambulance or rescue services.
"Fire company." A volunteer fire company or a municipal fire company located in this Commonwealth.
"Grant program." The Fire Company Grant Program established in Subchapter B (relating to fire company grant program) or the Volunteer Ambulance Service Grant Program established in Subchapter C (relating to volunteer ambulance service grant program).
"Invalid coach." The term shall have the meaning given to it in Chapter 81 (relating to emergency medical services system).
"Volunteer ambulance service." Any nonprofit chartered corporation, association or organization located in this Commonwealth, which is licensed by the Department of Health and is not associated or affiliated with any hospital and which is regularly engaged in the provision of emergency medical services, including basic life support or advanced life support services and advanced life support squads as defined in 28 Pa. Code § 1005.1 (relating to general provisions). The term shall not include any corporation, association or organization that is primarily engaged in the operation of invalid coaches which are intended for the routine transport of persons who are convalescent or otherwise nonambulatory and do not ordinarily require emergency medical treatment while in transit.
"Volunteer fire company." A nonprofit chartered corporation, association or organization located in this Commonwealth which provides fire protection or rescue services and which may offer other voluntary emergency services within this Commonwealth. Voluntary emergency services provided by a volunteer fire company may include voluntary ambulance and voluntary rescue services.
"Volunteer rescue company." A nonprofit chartered corporation, association or organization located in this Commonwealth that provides rescue services as part of the response to fires or vehicle accidents within this Commonwealth.
(June 29, 2012, P.L.663, No.78, eff. imd.)
2012 Amendment. Act 78 amended the def. of "grant program" and added the def. of "fire company."
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