Subchapter A. Preliminary Provisions and Certification
Section 6101 - Definitions
The following words and phrases when used in this chapter shall have, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the meanings given to them in...
Section 6102 - Certification Of Hospital Plan Corporations
(a) General rule.--A corporation not-for-profit incorporated for the purpose of establishing, maintaining and operating a nonprofit hospital plan shall not commence business until it...
Section 6104 - Uncertified Plans Prohibited
It shall be unlawful for any person, other than a hospital plan corporation holding a certificate of authority under this chapter, to establish, maintain...
Section 6105 - Penalties
Any person who violates any of the provisions of this chapter, or any regulation or order of the department made pursuant thereto, any person...
Subchapter B. Regulation Generally
Section 6121 - Eligible Hospitals
Any hospital plan corporation may enter into contracts for the rendering of hospitalization to any of its subscribers only with hospitals operated by the...
Section 6123 - Investment Of Funds
Any statute to the contrary notwithstanding, funds of any hospital plan corporation, equal to its reserves, shall be invested in compliance with the requirements...
Section 6124 - Rates And Contracts
(a) General rule.--The rates charged to subscribers by hospital plan corporations, all rates of payments to hospitals made by such corporations pursuant to the...
Section 6125 - Reports And Examinations
(a) Annual report.--Every hospital plan corporation shall on or before March 1 of each year, file with the department a statement, verified by at...
Section 6126 - Solicitors And Agents
Solicitors and agents for every hospital plan corporation shall meet the prerequisites provided by law for agents of insurance companies.
Section 6127 - Dissolution Or Liquidation
No hospital plan corporation shall be dissolved under the provisions of Title 15 (relating to corporations and unincorporated associations) or under any other provision...