42 Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes Chapter 11 - Community And Municipal Courts
Subchapter A. Community Courts
Subchapter B. Philadelphia Municipal Court
- Section 1121 - Philadelphia Municipal Court
(a) Organization.--The Philadelphia Municipal Court shall be organized as follows: (1) The General Division shall consist of 27 judges. (2) The Traffic Division shall...
- Section 1122 - Seat Of Court
The regular sessions of the Philadelphia Municipal Court shall be held at such locations within the first judicial district as may be approved by...
- Section 1123 - Jurisdiction And Venue
(a) General rule.--Except as otherwise prescribed by any general rule adopted pursuant to section 503 (relating to reassignment of matters), the Philadelphia Municipal Court...
- Section 1124 - Lien Of Judgments
Judgment recovered in the Philadelphia Municipal Court shall be a lien upon property in the same manner and to the same extent that judgment...
- Section 1125 - Substitute Arraignment Court Magistrates
The President Judge of the Philadelphia Municipal Court may appoint qualified attorneys who are court employees to act as substitute arraignment court magistrates during...
- Section 1126 - Masters
The President Judge of the Philadelphia Municipal Court may appoint attorneys who are members of the Pennsylvania Bar to serve as masters in proceedings...
- Section 1127 - Hearing Officers
(a) Appointment.--The President Judge of the Philadelphia Municipal Court may appoint hearing officers in proceedings under section 1123(a)(9) (relating to jurisdiction and venue). (b)...
Subchapter C. Pittsburgh Magistrates Court
- Section 1141 - Pittsburgh Magistrates Court
The Pittsburgh Magistrates Court shall be a court not of record and shall consist of such a number of judges, not less than five...
- Section 1142 - Seat Of Court
The regular sessions of the Pittsburgh Magistrates Court shall be held at such locations within the City of Pittsburgh as may be designated by...
- Section 1143 - Jurisdiction And Venue
(a) General rule.--Except as otherwise prescribed by any general rule adopted pursuant to section 503 (relating to reassignment of matters) the Pittsburgh Magistrates Court...
- Section 1144 - Lien Of Judgment
A judgment of the Pittsburgh Magistrates Court shall not operate as a lien on real property until a transcript of the record showing a...
Last modified: October 8, 2016