61 Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes § 4105 - Drug Offender Treatment Program

§ 4105. Drug offender treatment program.

(a) Establishment.--The department shall establish and administer a drug offender treatment program as a State intermediate punishment. The program shall be designed to address the individually assessed drug and alcohol abuse and addiction needs of a participant and shall address other issues essential to the participant's successful reintegration into the community, including, but not limited to, educational and employment issues.

(b) Duration and components.--Notwithstanding any credit to which the defendant may be entitled under 42 Pa.C.S. § 9760 (relating to credit for time served), the duration of the drug offender treatment program shall be 24 months and shall include the following:

(1) A period in a State correctional institution of not less than seven months. This period shall include:

(i) The time during which the defendants are being evaluated by the department under section 4104(b) (relating to referral to State intermediate punishment program).

(ii) Following evaluation under subparagraph (i), not less than four months shall be in an institutional therapeutic community.

(2) A period of treatment in a community-based therapeutic community of at least two months.

(3) A period of at least six-months' treatment through an outpatient addiction treatment facility. During the outpatient addiction treatment period of the drug offender treatment program, the participant may be housed in a community corrections center or group home or placed in an approved transitional residence. The participant must comply with any conditions established by the department regardless of where the participant resides during the outpatient addiction treatment portion of the drug offender treatment program.

(4) A period of supervised reintegration into the community for the balance of the drug offender treatment program, during which the participant shall continue to be supervised by the department and comply with any conditions imposed by the department.

(c) Program management.--

(1) Consistent with the minimum time requirements set forth in subsection (b), the department may transfer, at its discretion, a participant between a State correctional institution, an institutional therapeutic community, a community-based therapeutic community, an outpatient addiction treatment program and an approved transitional residence. The department may also transfer a participant back and forth between less restrictive and more restrictive settings based upon the participant's progress or regression in treatment or for medical, disciplinary or other administrative reasons.

(2) This subsection shall be construed to provide the department with the maximum flexibility to administer the drug offender treatment program both as a whole and for individual participants.

(d) Right of refusal to admit.--The administrator of a community-based therapeutic community or outpatient addiction treatment facility may refuse to accept a participant whom the administrator deems to be inappropriate for admission and may immediately discharge to the custody of the department any participant who fails to comply with facility rules and treatment expectations or refuses to constructively engage in the treatment process.

(e) Notice to court of completion of program.--When the department determines that a participant has successfully completed the drug offender treatment program, it shall notify the sentencing court, the attorney for the Commonwealth and the commission.

(f) Expulsion from program.--

(1) A participant may be expelled from the drug offender treatment program at any time in accordance with guidelines established by the department, including failure to comply with administrative or disciplinary procedures or requirements set forth by the department.

(2) The department shall promptly notify the court, the defendant, the attorney for the Commonwealth and the commission of the expulsion of a participant from the drug offender treatment program and the reason for such expulsion. The participant shall be housed in a State correctional institution or county jail pending action by the court.

(3) The court shall schedule a prompt State intermediate punishment revocation hearing pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. § 9774 (relating to revocation of State intermediate punishment sentence).

Cross References. Section 4105 is referred to in section 4103 of this title.

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Last modified: October 8, 2016