66 Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes Chapter 5 - Powers And Duties
- Section 501 - General Powers
(a) Enforcement of provisions of part.--In addition to any powers expressly enumerated in this part, the commission shall have full power and authority, and...
- Section 502 - Enforcement Proceedings By Commission
Whenever the commission shall be of opinion that any person or corporation, including a municipal corporation, is violating, or is about to violate, any...
- Section 503 - Enforcement Proceedings By Chief Counsel
The Chief Counsel, in addition to the exercise of the powers and duties now conferred upon him by law, shall also, upon request of...
- Section 504 - Reports By Public Utilities
The commission may require any public utility to file periodical reports, at such times, and in such form, and of such content, as the...
- Section 505 - Duty To Furnish Information To Commission; Cooperation In Valuing Property
Every public utility shall furnish to the commission, from time to time, and as the commission may require, all accounts, inventories, appraisals, valuations, maps,...
- Section 506 - Inspection Of Facilities And Records
The commission shall have full power and authority, either by or through its members, or duly authorized representatives, whenever it shall deem it necessary...
- Section 507 - Contracts Between Public Utilities And Municipalities
Except for a contract between a public utility and a municipal corporation to furnish service at the regularly filed and published tariff rates, no...
- Section 508 - Power Of The Commission To Vary, Reform And Revise Contracts
ยง 508. Power of commission to vary, reform and revise contracts. The commission shall have power and authority to vary, reform, or revise, upon...
- Section 509 - Regulation Of Manufacture, Sale Or Lease Of Appliances
It is unlawful for any public utility engaged in the manufacture, sale, or lease of any appliance or equipment offered by such public utility...
- Section 510 - Assessment For Regulatory Expenses Upon Public Utilities
(a) Determination of assessment.--Before November 1 of each year, the commission shall estimate its total expenditures in the administration of this part for the...
- Section 511 - Disposition, Appropriation And Disbursement Of Assessments And Fees
(a) Payment into General Fund.--All assessments and fees received, collected or recovered under this chapter shall be paid by the commission into the General...
- Section 511.1 - Use Of Federal Funds Under Energy Program
(a) General rule.--The commission is authorized to apply for and, subject to appropriation by the General Assembly, use Federal funds pursuant to the National...
- Section 512 - Power Of Commission To Require Insurance
The commission may, as to motor carriers, prescribe, by regulation or order, such requirements as it may deem necessary for the protection of persons...
- Section 513 - Public Letting Of Contracts
Whenever the commission deems that the public interest so requires, it may direct, by regulation or order, that any public utility shall award contracts...
- Section 514 - Use Of Coal
(a) Upgrading capability to use coal.--The commission shall promulgate regulations which require utilities to uprate their electric power production by increasing the capability to...
- Section 515 - Construction Cost Of Electric Generating Units
(a) Submission of estimate.--No later than 30 days after construction of an electric generating unit is begun, either in this Commonwealth or in some...
- Section 516 - Audits Of Certain Utilities
(a) General rule.--The commission shall provide for audits of any electric, gas, telephone or water utility whose plant in service is valued at not...
- Section 517 - Conversion Of Electric Generating Units Fueled By Oil Or Natural Gas
(a) Order by commission.--Whenever the commission determines that conversion of an oil or a natural gas-fueled electric generating unit to coal, a synthetic derived...
- Section 518 - Construction Of Electric Generating Units Fueled By Nuclear Energy
(a) General rule.--Only upon the application of a public utility and the approval of the application by the commission shall it be lawful for...
- Section 519 - Construction Of Electric Generating Units Fueled By Oil Or Natural Gas
(a) General rule.--Only upon the application of a public utility and the approval of the application by the commission shall it be lawful for...
- Section 520 - Power Of Commission To Order Cancellation Or Modification Of Construction Of Electric Generating Units
(a) General rule.--The commission shall order any public utility engaged in producing, generating, transmitting, distributing or furnishing electricity to cancel or modify the construction...
- Section 521 - Retirement Of Electric Generating Units
(a) Removal from normal operation.--No public utility shall discontinue an electric generating unit from normal operation unless it has petitioned for and obtained the...
- Section 522 - Expense Reduction Program
(a) Target.--The commission shall establish an expense reduction program for calendar year 1986 for all electric and gas utilities with total annual intrastate operating...
- Section 523 - Performance Factor Consideration
(a) Considerations.--The commission shall consider, in addition to all other relevant evidence of record, the efficiency, effectiveness and adequacy of service of each utility...
- Section 524 - Data To Be Supplied By Electric Utilities
(a) General rule.--Effective December 31, 1987, each public utility producing, generating, distributing or furnishing electricity shall submit annually to the commission information concerning its...
- Section 525 - Sale Of Generating Units And Power
The commission may prohibit a public utility from discontinuing an electric generating unit from normal operation if the commission determines that it would be...
- Section 526 - Rejection Of Rate Increase Requests Due To Inadequate Quality Or Quantity Of Service
(a) General rule.--The commission may reject, in whole or in part, a public utility's request to increase its rates where the commission concludes, after...
- Section 527 - Cogeneration Rules And Regulations
(a) Availability.--The commission shall promulgate rules and regulations concerning the rates, terms, conditions and availability of cogeneration in this Commonwealth. The commission shall require...
- Section 528 - Use Of Foreign Coal By Qualifying Facilities
(a) Legislative findings.--The General Assembly hereby finds as follows: (1) Potential qualifying facilities which would generate electricity from United States energy sources are, and...
- Section 529 - Power Of Commission To Order Acquisition Of Small Water And Sewer Utilities
(a) General rule.--The commission may order a capable public utility to acquire a small water or sewer utility if the commission, after notice and...
- Section 530 - Clean Air Act Implementation Plans
(a) Phase I compliance.--On or before February 1, 1993, each public utility shall submit to the commission and may request commission approval of a...
Last modified: October 8, 2016