75 Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes Chapter 31 - General Provisions
Subchapter A. Obedience to and Effect of Traffic Laws
Subchapter B. Traffic-control Devices
- Section 3111 - Obedience To Traffic-control Devices
(a) General rule.--Unless otherwise directed by a uniformed police officer or any appropriately attired person authorized to direct, control or regulate traffic, the driver...
- Section 3111.1 - Obedience To Traffic-control Devices Warning Of Hazardous Conditions
(a) General rule.--The driver of any vehicle, unless otherwise directed by an emergency service responder, shall not drive past, around or through a sign...
- Section 3112 - Traffic-control Signals
(a) General rule.--Whenever traffic is controlled by traffic-control signals exhibiting different colored lights, or colored lighted arrows, successively one at a time or in...
- Section 3113 - Pedestrian-control Signals
(a) General rule.--Whenever special pedestrian-control signals exhibiting words or symbols are in place, the signals shall indicate as follows: (1) Word "Walk" or walking...
- Section 3114 - Flashing Signals
(a) General rule.--Whenever a flashing red or yellow signal is used in a traffic signal or with a traffic sign it shall require obedience...
- Section 3115 - Lane-direction-control Signals
When lane-direction-control signals are placed over the individual lanes of a street or highway, vehicular traffic may travel in any lane over which a...
- Section 3116 - Automated Red Light Enforcement Systems In First Class Cities
(a) General rule.-- (1) A city of the first class, upon passage of an ordinance, is authorized to enforce section 3112(a)(3) (relating to traffic-control...
- Section 3117 - Automated Red Light Enforcement Systems In Certain Municipalities
(a) General rule.--A municipality, upon passage of an ordinance, is authorized to enforce section 3112(a)(3) (relating to traffic-control signals) by recording violations using an...
Subchapter C. Fines
- Section 3121 - Ems Costs
In addition to any other costs that may be imposed under this part for a traffic violation, except for a parking violation, a cost...
Last modified: October 8, 2016