8 Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes § 21a01 - Authority To Assess

§ 21A01. Authority to assess.

(a) General rule.--Council shall have the power to pay the cost, in whole or in part, of any and all public improvements of all natures and descriptions, including, but not limited to, the grading, building, paving, regrading, rebuilding and repaving of streets as defined in section 1701 (relating to definitions), the creation, extension, renovation or enlargement of water mains and sewage collection, transmission, treatment and disposal systems and the creation, extension and renovation of storm, surface and subsurface drainage systems, the construction, reconstruction and repair of wharves and docks, the installation of ornamental street lighting or the planting, removal, maintenance and protection of shade trees by any of the following methods:

(1) from general borough funds;

(2) from special borough funds created for that purpose; or

(3) by assessment of costs against the benefited properties either on the front foot or benefit conferred method of assessment.

Except as provided in subsection (c), the costs and expenses of sanitary sewers may be assessed against properties benefited, accommodated or improved regardless of the property line location and regardless of whether any portion of a property benefited, accommodated or physically improved abuts upon the sanitary sewer.

(b) Payment of indebtedness.--

(1) If a borough that incurs authorized indebtedness under 53 Pa.C.S. Pt. VII Subpt. B (relating to indebtedness and borrowing) for the purposes of funding the cost and expense of making public improvements for which assessments can be made in accordance with this chapter, payments made on the assessment must be applied to pay the debt service for the indebtedness incurred for funding the cost and expense of making the public improvement.

(2) Notwithstanding section 21A07 (relating to payment of assessments in installments), when bonds are issued in a manner provided by law and an assessment is to be paid in installments, the assessment shall be payable in equal installments during the term for which the bond is issued, and the cost of the improvement plus interest beginning the first day when interest is payable on the bond shall be the cost of the improvement to be assessed on a property.

(c) Property outside borough.--Property benefited, improved or accommodated which is located outside the limits of the borough that constructed a sanitary sewer may, if located no more than 150 feet from the sewer main, be assessed for the cost of the sewer in the same manner as the property would be assessed under the laws of this Commonwealth if it were entirely located within the limits of the borough, if the property is given permission to use the sanitary sewer and is not, at the time the sanitary sewer is constructed, provided with sanitary sewer facilities.

(d) Water mains.--Boroughs shall have power to assess the whole cost or any part of the cost of construction of new water mains built in connection with the establishment or extension of a municipally owned water supply system, even if the mains are located outside the limits of the borough, and that serve abutting properties, against the properties abutting the boundary line. The borough may provide that the assessment be rebated to the owner of the assessed property out of rates charged for water consumed in serving the assessed property. The borough may also issue a negotiable credit memorandum in the amount of the assessment which may be used for the payment of any water service to the extent of the assessment.

Cross References. Section 21A01 is referred to in section 21A07 of this title.

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Last modified: October 8, 2016