Robin F. and Anne F. Jenkins - Page 7

                                                - 7 -                                                  
                        Advertising............................$  496                                  
                        Travel and entertainment...............   324                                  
                        Supplies............................... 2,249                                  
                        Utilities and telephone................   588                                  
            The advertising expense consisted of two deerheads, which were                             
            worth approximately $200 apiece.  The travel and entertainment                             
            expenses consisted of fireworks, fishing, and motel costs.  Under                          
            supplies, petitioners deducted a $1,575 video camera purchased for                         
            both personal and business use, and deducted the costs of utilities                        
            and telephone used at their residence.  Petitioners also deducted                          
            $379 for dog food, veterinary bills, and a chain for their dog.                            
                  c.  1986 Joint Federal Income Tax Return                                             
                  Petitioners claimed, among others, the following expenses as                         
            Schedule C deductions on their 1986 return:                                                
                        Employee benefit program..............$ 3,356                                  
                        Mortgage interest..................... 14,277                                  
                        Supplies..............................  5,365                                  
                        Security guard........................    682                                  
                        Contributions......................... 11,567                                  
            Petitioners could not substantiate the supplies deduction.  The                            
            security guard expense represented a fence erected to house                                
            petitioners' family dog.  The employee benefit program deduction                           
            consisted of family doctor and medical expenses.  Petitioners                              
            deducted $14,277 for home mortgage interest as a business expense.                         
            The contribution deduction represented petitioners' charitable                             
            contributions.  Petitioners also claimed a $1,588 jobs credit on                           
            their 1986 Schedule C.                                                                     
                  In prior years, petitioners deducted their medical, home                             
            mortgage interest, and charitable contribution expenses as Schedule                        

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Last modified: May 25, 2011