Larick A. Hill and Fawni Little, A.K.A. Fawni Hill - Page 16

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                    Q    The date that was agreed upon for the                        
               duration of the spousal support payments was                           
               January 31st, 1992.  How was that date agreed upon?                    
                    A    My recollection is, like most items in this,                 
               it was a negotiated settlement.  And her -- Mrs. Hill's                
               original request was for thirty-six months.  And there                 
               was some dialogue back and forth which I don't remember                
               the specifics on, but we finally -- my position was to                 
               split the difference, and that's what it's going to be.                
               Petitioner testified as follows:                                       
                    Q    Did you ever discuss with him why that                       
               particular -- why he chose that particular date?                       
                    A    It wasn't a date that he really chose.  We                   
               had discussed over the phone during these several                      
               conversations sort of a timeframe.  And thinking about                 
               Christina become -- becoming eighteen, I wanted it to                  
               at least cover that period of time.  Christina was very                
               young.  She was graduating from high school at age                     
               seventeen.  At that point I didn't know if she was                     
               going to be going away to college her first year.                      
          *   *   *   *   *   *   *                                                   
                    And I wanted to be -- to have a lifestyle for her                 
               that she would be comfortable with, should I remarry.                  
          *   *   *   *   *   *   *                                                   
                    I wasn't concerned about having compensation for                  
               myself for eighteen months or five years or twenty                     
               years.  It was for Christina.  It was for Christina's                  
               Petitioner testified that she told her divorce attorney that           
          she wanted to have funds to support Christina until she became              
               Petitioner's and James Little's testimony shows that they              
          negotiated how long James Little would pay spousal support to               
          petitioner after she remarried.  James Little did not say whether           

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Last modified: May 25, 2011