Gerald Jacoby and Arlene Jacoby - Page 8

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                  Gelda's method for preparing the Jacobys' income tax                                    
            returns did not vary.  Gerald would meet with Gelda, and they                                 
            would assemble the information necessary to prepare the Forms                                 
            1040.  Petitioner would assemble charitable contribution receipts                             
            and mortgage payment statements and give them to Gerald.  This                                
            was petitioner's only participation in the preparation of the                                 
            Forms 1040.  After preparing the returns, Gelda would sign them                               
            as preparer and then forward the return to Gerald to sign and                                 
                  Petitioner knew that Gelda had a longstanding professional                              
            relationship with Gerald and his family, and she believed that                                
            Gelda was a cautious return preparer.  Petitioner had known Gelda                             
            personally since she married Gerald, and she trusted Gelda                                    
            entirely.  Petitioner considered Gelda an expert in tax matters                               
            and had no reason to question his judgment.                                                   
                  For the taxable years 1978, 1979, and 1980, the Jacobys                                 
            filed Forms 1040, and each Form 1040 indicated a filing status of                             
            "married filing joint return".                                                                
                  Gelda prepared the 1978 Form 1040, signed it, and forwarded                             
            it to Gerald to sign and file.  Gerald signed petitioner's name                               
            on the 1978 Form 1040, and petitioner never reviewed it.                                      
            Petitioner did not know that Gerald had placed her signature on                               
            the 1978 Form 1040, and Gerald never discussed with petitioner                                
            his having signed her name.                                                                   

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Last modified: May 25, 2011