Nancy Silverman and Estate of Sheldon Silverman, Deceased, Nancy Silverman, Executrix - Page 29

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          investment."  The four checks in question match the obligations             
          purportedly imposed on Sheldon.  We have no reason to believe               
          that any additional payments were required to be made or were               
          made.  Respondent does not suggest that (1) any other witnesses             
          or books and records might show any other payments, or (2) that             
          Nancy had a source for making any other payments.  We reject                
          respondent's attempts to create uncertainty by making unfounded             
          speculations, and then to capitalize on that uncertainty by                 
          invoking Wichita Terminal Elevator Co. v. Commissioner, 6 T.C.              
          1158, 1165 (1946), affd. 162 F.2d 513 (10th Cir. 1947).                     
               Petitioners have convinced us, and we have found, that                 
          Sheldon made all the payments that were made.  We do not see the            
          loose ends that respondent speculates about.  We believe that the           
          instant case does not provide a proper basis for invocation of              
          the Wichita Terminal doctrine.                                              
               We hold for petitioners on this issue.                                 
          B. Knowledge or Reason to Know                                              
               Respondent contends that Nancy's testimony "should not be              
          relied upon" and that "it is likely that Mr. Silverman informed             
          her of the investment in State Coal".  Respondent also contends             
          that, even if Nancy did not in fact know of the State Coal                  
          investment, she should have known, because Nancy should be held             
          to at least as high a standard of review of the tax return as               
          would a taxpayer who had actually signed the tax return, and if             

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Last modified: May 25, 2011