Robert J. Sugarman - Page 5

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               Section 215(a) permits a deduction for the payment of                  
          alimony during a taxable year.  Section 215(b) defines alimony as           
          alimony which is includable in the gross income of the recipient            
          under section 71.  Section 71(b)(1)3 defines alimony or separate            
          maintenance as any cash payment meeting the four criteria                   
          provided in subparagraphs (A) through (D) of that section.                  
          Accordingly, if any portion of the payments made by petitioner              

               3  Sec. 71(b)(1) provides:                                             
                    (b)  ALIMONY OR SEPARATE MAINTENANCE PAYMENTS                     
               DEFINED.--For purposes of this section--                               
                         (1) IN GENERAL.--The term "alimony or separate               
                    maintenance payment" means any payment in cash if--               
                              (A) such payment is received by (or on                  
                    behalf of) a spouse under a divorce or separation                 
                              (B) the divorce or separation instrument                
                         does not designate such payment as a payment which           
                         is not includible in gross income under this                 
                         section and not allowable as a deduction under               
                         section 215,                                                 
                              (C) in the case of an individual legally                
                         separated from his spouse under a decree of                  
                         divorce or of separate maintenance, the payee                
                         spouse and the payor spouse are not members of the           
                         same household at the time such payment is made,             
                              (D) there is no liability to make any such              
                         payment for any period after the death of the                
                         payee spouse and there is no liability to make any           
                         payment (in cash or property) as a substitute for            
                         such payments after the death of the payee spouse.           

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Last modified: May 25, 2011