- 13 - quired (1) to amend, modify, or repeal the 1984 restated certifi- cate of incorporation; (2) to make, amend, or repeal the bylaws (1984 bylaws); and (3) to effect any stockholder action on the following matters (stockholder restricted matters) throughout the period during which any Alumax class C common stock was outstand- ing: (a) A merger of Alumax; (b) an acquisition or a disposition of any material asset (i.e., an asset which had, or would have upon acquisition, an aggregate net book value on Alumax' books equal to at least 5 percent of its net worth as shown in its consolidated balance sheet, prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles subject to modification to reflect Alumax and its subsidiaries as a consolidated group separate from the Amax group) (material asset); (c) a partial or complete liquidation or dissolution of Alumax; (d) a capital appropriation or an asset disposition request of $30 million or more; (e) the election or any other selection or dismissal of any chief executive officer of Alumax (CEO); (f) any transaction involving Alumax and any affiliate of Alumax (i.e., any stockholder of Alumax, any holder of a 20 percent or greater equity interest in such a stockholder, or any entity in which any of the foregoing persons held a 20 percent orPage: Previous 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011