John R. Boone, Jr. - Page 29

                                       - 29 -                                         
          connection, petitioner stated that he was not sure whether he had           
          enough money to purchase the Corvette (despite having already               
          made a deposit on the car) until he went back home and counted              
          out the necessary amount of cash.                                           
               Petitioner testified that he threw out the canister sometime           
          after 1990 when the money was all gone.  He claimed that he had             
          kept the money in the canister from the day he got it, except for           
          a small amount of cash which he had placed in his sock drawer in            
          early 1989.                                                                 
               Petitioner claimed that he rarely spent money out of the               
          canister prior to 1989.  Once, he said, while in high school, he            
          used some of the money to rent a car.  In college, he purportedly           
          bought a videocassette recorder with some of the cash.                      
          Occasionally, if he got behind in bills, he used a little bit of            
          the money to "keep up".  Petitioner kept no record of such                  
          expenditures, however.                                                      
               We think that respondent has proven by a preponderance of              
          the evidence that petitioner's testimony is implausible, self-              
          serving, and contrived.  We believe it unlikely that petitioner             
          could keep a large sum of money in his bedroom closet for                   
          approximately 7 years without either his brothers' or parents'              
          discovering it.  Nor do we think that petitioner would keep such            
          a large amount of money in a college dormitory or in his bedroom            
          in the houses he shared.  Such behavior is at odds, among other             

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