Boyd Gaming Corporation, F.K.A. The Boyd Group and Subsidiaries - Page 80

                                       - 80 -                                         
               The Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has held in a               
          different context that 68 percent is not "substantially all" as             
          that term is used in a predecessor of section 368 relating to               
          corporate reorganizations.  See Pillar Rock Packing Co. v.                  
          Commissioner, 90 F.2d 949 (9th Cir. 1937), affg. 34 B.T.A. 571              
               We leave for another day the exact percentage of employees             
          that constitutes "substantially all" within the meaning of                  
          section 1.119-1(a)(2)(ii)(e), Income Tax Regs.  Petitioners have            
          not established that even 50 percent of their employees received            
          qualifying meals.  This is not enough to be substantially all.              
               Given our conclusion that none of the meals of the employees           
          in question qualify for the section 119 exclusion, we look solely           
          to the employees conceded by respondent to be within section 119            
          and determine what percentage of all employees at each Property             
          they constitute.  Respondent's concessions cover the following              
          numbers of employees:                                                       
                                   1987      1988                                     
                    CHC            450       458                                      
                    Fremont        427       423                                      
                    Sam's Town      595       626                                     
                    Stardust     1,024     1,061                                      
          Respondent's concessions translate into the following                       
                                        1987      1988                                
                         CHC            44.9      43.5                                
                         Fremont   45.6      48.2                                     
                         Sam's Town     42.4      41.5                                
                         Stardust       45.5      44.1                                

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Last modified: May 25, 2011