Hospital Corporation of America and Subsidiaries - Page 56

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          83-35, 1983-1 C.B. 745.  The revenue procedures provide ADR                 
          classes for specified depreciable assets generally used in all              
          business activities, except as noted, as well as for depreciable            
          assets used in certain businesses.  Rev. Proc. 83-35, supra, is             
          applicable for assets placed in service during years ended 1985             
          and 1986.  The present class life is the asset guideline period             
          (i.e., the midpoint class life) established for the particular              
          class.  Rev. Proc. 83-35, sec. 101, 1983-1 C.B. at 745.                     
               The component method of depreciation is not permitted under            
          ACRS.  Sec. 168(f)(1).25  The component method of depreciation is           

          25   Sec. 168(f) provides in pertinent part as follows:                     
               SEC. 168(f)  Special rules for application of this section.            
               --For purposes of this section--                                       
                    (1)  Components of section 1250 class property.--                 
                         (A) In general.--Except as otherwise provided in             
                    this paragraph--                                                  
                              (i) the deduction allowable under subsection            
                         (a) with respect to any component (which is                  
                         section 1250 class property) of a building shall             
                         be computed in the same manner as the deduction              
                         allowable with respect to such building, and                 
                              (ii) the recovery period for such component             
                         shall begin on the later of--                                
                                   (I) the date such component is placed in           
                              service, or                                             
                                   (II) the date on which the building is             
                              placed in service.                                      
                    (B) Transitional rules.                                           

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Last modified: May 25, 2011