Fernando and Maria Leonzo - Page 6

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          received salary of $24,000 from L&L, but he reported only                   
               Petitioners have failed to satisfy their burden of proof and           
          to establish that the amounts received from LIC and L&L were                
          loans.  Respondent's determination of unreported income will be             
          Interest and Schedule C Deductions                                          
               Petitioners bear the burden of proving that they are                   
          entitled to any claimed deduction.  Rule 142(a); INDOPCO, Inc. v.           
          Commissioner, 503 U.S. 79, 84 (1992).  This burden includes                 
          substantiating the amount of the item claimed.  Hradesky v.                 
          Commissioner, 65 T.C. 87, 90 (1975), affd. per curiam 540 F.2d              
          821 (5th Cir. 1976).                                                        
               Petitioners offered no substantiation or explanation to                
          support the amounts of interest claimed but not allowed by                  
          respondent for 1988.  Petitioner testified that the 1988                    
          Schedule C expenses were primarily related to maintaining his               
          automobile, but he did not explain how or if the use of the                 
          vehicle was business-related.  Petitioners did not maintain an              
          automobile log or provide any documents to substantiate the                 
          Schedule C deductions.  No additional deductions may be allowed             
          for 1988.                                                                   
               Petitioners claim that $23,597 of the $47,999 home mortgage            
          interest deduction claimed by them for 1989 was interest paid on            
          the property on Mt. Pleasant.  Petitioner testified that he owned           

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