Walter T. McGee - Page 7

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               Kenning Atlantic Iberica, NV, in settlement of                         
               litigation instituted by you, allegedly on behalf of                   
               A.T.O. Marketing Limited, an Isle of Man entity of                     
               which you were a director.  You received this amount on                
               May 7, 1987, in the form of a Bank Draft from Lloyd's                  
               Bank, Plc payable to the Swiss Bank Corporation,                       
               through your solicitors, Maxwell, Glasner & Co., and                   
               you acknowledged receipt of the Bank Draft by letter to                
               Maxwell, Glasner & Co. dated May 7, 1987.  On that date                
               you also advised Danny Glasner, Esq., of Maxwell,                      
               Glasner & Co. that "The Banker's Draft will be                         
               collected by Mr. Walter T. McGee a director of A.T.O.                  
               Marketing Limited."                                                    
                    The foregoing amount is determined to be your                     
               income for the reasons set forth above, as well as the                 
               following reasons:                                                     
                    (1)  You were the last identifiable person in                     
               possession of the Bank Draft, and you have failed to                   
               document its subsequent disposition;                                   
                    (2)  You have stated that "The check [Bank Draft]                 
               was deposited in the Swiss Bank Corporation for the                    
               benefit of A.T.O. Marketing Limited," but you have                     
               failed to provide any documentation, such as a deposit                 
               slip or an account reference in support of this                        
                    (3)  The books and records of A.T.O. Marketing                    
               Limited do not reflect the receipt of the 570,000 pound                
               sterling Bank Draft in 1987 or at any subsequent time,                 
               nor do they reflect the settlement with Kenning                        
               Atlantic Iberica, NV, in 1987, or any account in the                   
               name or for the benefit of A.T.O. Marketing Limited at                 
               the Swiss Bank Corporation in 1987;                                    
                    (4)  You have stated "I was not a shareholder or                  
               owner of A.T.O. Marketing Limited," but your                           
               solicitors, Scates, Rosenblatt, admitted in August of                  
               1989 that you were the "beneficial owner" of TS                        
               Holdings, and TS Holdings, in turn, was the registered                 
               50% owner of A.T.O. Marketing Limited;                                 
                    (5)  When you were contacted by a representative                  
               of the Petchey Group of Companies (the corporate group                 
               which was the successor in interest to TS Holdings and                 
               to A.T.O. Marketing Limited) and were asked to account                 
               for the disposition of the 570,000 pounds sterling, you                

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Last modified: May 25, 2011