Norwest Corporation and Subsidiaries - Page 39

         Memorandum23 regarding a Brazilian company, Papel e Celulose                 
         Catarinense, S.A. (PCC), prepared by Banco Bozano, Simonsen de               
         Investimento, S.A. (Banco Bozano) and Morgan Grenfell & Co., Ltd.24          
         The International Finance Corporation  (IFC),25 a World Bank                 
         affiliate, engaged these firms to market its 28.7-percent interest           
         in PCC.26  IFC's asking price for its 28.7-percent interest in PCC           
         was $25 million.                                                             
              PCC, headquartered in San Paulo, was a subsidiary of Industrias         
         Klabin Papel e Celulose, S.A. (IKPC), a Brazilian corporation                
         incorporated in 1934. IKPC was the largest pulp and paper producer           
         in South America and among the 100 largest in the world. Prior to            
         the transaction at issue herein, PCC's stock was owned as follows:           
         IKPC--70.9 percent; IFC--28.7 percent; and PCC's Administration              

               23   The Information Memorandum did not by its terms limit             
          the offering to prospective purchasers who intended to engage in            
          a debt-equity conversion.                                                   
               24   At the time petitioner was considering an investment in           
          PCC, it was also reviewing a possible investment in Medtronic do            
          Brazil, as well as the purchase of Mellon Bank's 12.5-percent               
          interest in Banco Bozano.                                                   
               25   IFC aids in the development of private sector projects            
          in developing countries, such as providing "seed capital" to                
          private ventures and projects. IFC focuses its assistance on                
          those projects which, while economically and financially                    
          attractive, cannot by themselves attract enough managerial,                 
          technical, or financial resources to be implemented. Once these             
          projects reach success and maturity, IFC expects to divest and              
          redeploy its assets to assist the development of new attractive             
               26   PCC was IFC's oldest equity investment, dating back to            
          the late 1960's.  By 1986, IFC had decided that PCC's operational           
          and financial maturity warranted the sale of its interest.                  

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Last modified: May 25, 2011