Anthony G. and Shirley A. Olbres - Page 49

                                       - 49 -                                         
          was due, she verbally related to him the figures to be used in              
          each of those returns, and gave him the 1987 summary in connec-             
          tion with his preparation of their 1987 return.  Mr. Dennett                
          placed those figures on the appropriate lines in each of those              
          returns and made the computations called for by each such return.           
          Mr. Kaply further testified that Mr. Dennett advised him that               
          petitioners never provided him with any bank statements or bank             
          records in connection with his preparation of any of petitioners'           
          returns for the years at issue.                                             
               Ms. Dennett's testimony supports Mr. Kaply's testimony                 
          regarding what, if any, materials petitioners provided to Mr.               
          Dennett in connection with his preparation of their return for              
          each of the years at issue.  She testified that one of her duties           
          in Mr. Dennett's accounting office was to ensure that written               
          materials that clients provided to Mr. Dennett's office for use             
          in the preparation of their returns were returned to those                  
          clients upon completion of that return preparation.  Ms. Dennett            
          further testified that she never saw written materials, such as             
          ledgers, bank statements, and invoice logs belonging to petition-           
          ers and relating to the years at issue, which had to be returned            
          to them.                                                                    
               The preparation of the reconstructed 1987 return by Mr.                
          Dennett and Ms. Wildes also calls into question the testimony of            
          Ms. Olbres and Mr. Olbres that they gave complete written materi-           
          als to Mr. Dennett from which he could have prepared accurate               

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