James E. and Chung H. Peacock - Page 16

          F.   Skim Formula                                                           
               K.C. Urbon picked up the daily sheets and cash from the                
          saunas for 3 months in 1987.  Pursuant to petitioner-husband's              
          instructions, K.C. Urbon reported 3/7 of petitioners' share of              
          those receipts to petitioners' bookkeeper.                                  
          G.   Petitioners' Convictions for Income Tax Evasion                        
               Both petitioners pleaded guilty to income tax evasion for              
               On January 18, 1990, during respondent's criminal                      
          investigation, District Counsel Attorney Milton J. Carter                   
          (Carter) informed petitioners and their attorney, Montie Day                
          (Day), that respondent believed that petitioners understated                
          their taxable income by a total of $336,729 for 1983, 1984, 1986,           
          and 1987.  After a recess in which Day talked with petitioners,             
          Day told Carter that petitioners buried about $353,000 under a              
          concrete walkway behind their home in 1979, and dug up the money            
          in 1981.  Day said that petitioners had (1) $228,000 from money             
          petitioner-wife had in 1963 and an inheritance of $125,000 that             
          petitioners were holding for Suil, and (2) about $125,000 from              
          Tobey Peacock.                                                              
          A.   Net Worth Method                                                       
               1.   Background                                                        
               Respondent used the net worth method to determine                      
          petitioners' income for the years in issue.  Under the net worth            

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