Thomas G. Roots - Page 5

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          $5,750 in gross monthly income, amounting to $69,000 annually.              
          On petitioner's June 4, 1986, application for a loan to purchase            
          another property, petitioner listed his annual rental income as             
          $56,880.  On the "returns" petitioner attached to the latter                
          application, petitioner indicated that his receipts from rentals            
          during 1984 and 1985 were $53,028 and $46,340, respectively; the            
          amounts listed on petitioner's application and attached "returns"           
          were significantly greater than the amounts he reported on his              
          returns which he filed with the Internal Revenue Service.                   
               In 1987, Jimmie and Dorothy Wilson (the Wilsons) occupied              
          residential real property that they leased from petitioner.                 
          While an audit of petitioner's tax returns was in progress,                 
          petitioner contacted the Wilsons and told them to tell anyone who           
          asked that they were paying petitioner $275 per month for the               
          rental of the property.  In fact, they were paying $775 per month           
          for the rental of the property, and they had never made rental              
          payments as low as $275 per month.  Petitioner told the Wilsons             
          that if they gave false information about the amount of rent they           
          paid to him to anyone who asked them about it, he would not raise           
          their rent in the future.                                                   
               In June 1987, Revenue Agent Paula Lurvey (Agent Lurvey)                
          contacted the Wilsons and inquired about the amount of rent they            
          paid to petitioner.  The Wilsons told Agent Lurvey that they paid           
          petitioner $275 per month.  In August 1990, special agents of the           
          Criminal Investigation Division of the Internal Revenue Service             

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Last modified: May 25, 2011