Frank Shih, Jr. - Page 9

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               principal residence (within the meaning of section                     
               1034) of the taxpayer.                                                 
                    (B) Qualified rental period.--For purposes of                     
               subparagraph (A), the term "qualified rental period"                   
               means a consecutive period of --                                       
                    (i) 12 or more months which begins or ends in such                
               taxable year, or                                                       
                    (ii) less than 12 months which begins in such                     
               taxable year and at the end of which such dwelling unit                
               is sold or exchanged, and                                              
               for which such unit is rented, or is held for rental,                  
               at a fair rental.                                                      

               Petitioner considers the San Bruno residence to have been              
          converted to rental property when he began to advertise the                 
          master bedroom for rent in August 1991.  He contends that a                 
          qualified rental period, within the meaning of section                      
          280A(d)(4)(B), began in August 1991 when all of the bedrooms in             
          the San Bruno residence were either rented or held for rent at              
          fair rental value.  According to petitioner, because a qualified            
          rental period occurred in 1991, section 280A(d)(4)(A) provides              
          that his personal use of the San Bruno residence during that year           
          is ignored for purposes of section 280A(c)(5).  If petitioner's             
          personal use of the San Bruno residence during 1991 were ignored,           
          it would not be considered to have been used by him during that             
          year as his residence for purposes of section 280A(c)(5).                   
          Petitioner argues therefore that the rental deductions he claimed           
          on the Schedule E are not subject to section 280A(c)(5).  In the            
          alternative, petitioner argues that each bedroom in the San Bruno           

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