Harry E. Thomason and Estate of Hattie D. Thomason, Deceased, Mary T. Crist, Personal Representative - Page 6

                                        - 6 -                                         

          quick profit" by selling the condominium; however, in the event             
          it could not be sold quickly, it would be rented out in order to            
          realize a return.  Petitioner estimated the value of the                    
          condominium at the time of purchase to be $22,000.  It was                  
          advertised for a sale price of $31,500; however, no lease price             
          was set out in the advertisements.  One potential lessee was                
          quoted a rental fee of $375 per month, plus $58.10 for the                  
          monthly condominium maintenance fee, plus utilities.  The record            
          is not clear whether the property was ever rented out.  The                 
          record is clear, however, that it was not rented during 1991, nor           
          was the property ever sold.                                                 
              On their 1991 Federal income tax return, petitioners                   
          reported on Schedule C, Profit or Loss from Business, income of             
          zero, and a net loss of $24,613 consisting of the following                 

          Advertising                             $ 1,035                             
          Car and truck expenses                  1,035                               
          Commissions and fees                    1,138                               
          Insurance (other than health)           56                                  
          Legal and professional services         5,540                               
          Office expense                          663                                 
          Repairs and maintenance                 497                                 
          Supplies                                4,152                               
          Taxes and licenses                      3,769                               
          Travel, meals and entertainment                                             
               Travel                             3,232                               
               Meals and entertainment            2,586                               
                    (after the 20% limitation)                                        
          Utilities                                910                                
          Total expenses                          $24,613                             

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Last modified: May 25, 2011