- 23 - which produced the losses involved here, "ordinarily gives rise" to a gain from the sale, exchange or disposition of property, for purposes of section 1.861-8(e)(7), Income Tax Regs., within the meaning of National-Standard Co. v. Commissioner, supra, and Black & Decker Corp. v. Commissioner, supra. We move then to the proper treatment of the items in question under the general rules for allocation and apportionment. First, exchange losses attributable to the accrual of interest payments should be treated in the same fashion as the underlying interest expense. Interest income cannot properly be measured without taking into account interest expense. Interest expense, in turn, cannot properly be measured without the costs related to measuring it. In this case, the related accrual of exchange losses was a cost related to measuring the underlying expense. That item should be apportioned in accordance with our disposition of interest expense. See supra pp. 12-18. For the same reasons, exchange losses attributable to the accrual of swap payments must be treated in the same fashion as the underlying swap payments. The gain or loss relating to the currency swap agreements cannot accurately be measured if one does not take into account the cost attributable to the payments. Exchange losses were an intrinsic cost of these transactions, and must be taken into account. We have already held that the swapPage: Previous 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011