Anclote Psychiatric Center, Inc. - Page 11

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            million.  On July 23, 1985, AMH entered into a contract for the                              
            sale of the hospital's operating assets for $29,587,000 to AMISUB                            
            (Anclote), Inc., a subsidiary of American Medical International,                             
            Inc. (AMI), a large health care provider.  At this time, the                                 
            hospital was operating at 130 beds and had a certificate of need                             
            for an additional 36 beds.  Of the total purchase price, the                                 
            parties agreed that $3,500,000 was to be placed in escrow to be                              
            used for expenses related to the transfer of the 36-bed                                      
            certificate of need, and that the remaining balance would be                                 
            released to AMH only if a certificate of need for all 36 beds                                
            were approved, otherwise the remaining amount would be prorated                              
            based on the number of beds approved.  The closing date was                                  
            October 21, 1985.  In 1990, AMI sold the hospital for about                                  
            Regulatory Environment                                                                       
                  The State of Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative                           
            Services was the granting authority for the license to operate                               
            the hospital and the certificates of need.  The hospital's                                   
            patient revenue and cost charges were subject to review by the                               
            State's Hospital Cost Containment Board.                                                     
                  On September 3, 1982, Congress enacted the Tax Equity and                              
            Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (TEFRA), Pub. L. 97-248, 96                                
            Stat. 324.  TEFRA sec. 101(b)(3), 96 Stat. 335, provided in part:                            
                  The Secretary [of Health and Human Services] shall                                     
                  develop, in consultation with the Senate Committee on                                  

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Last modified: May 25, 2011