Shigenori Kudo and Motomi Kudo, et al. - Page 14

                                       - 14 -                                         
          brothers and sister, and they wanted to equalize matters by                 
          helping Scott also.  The Kudos' relatives also sent cash gifts              
          for family occasions such as Christmas and birthdays.                       
               Scott made one or two trips to Japan in 1990 and one trip in           
               From time to time tenants at Toraya Apartments or restaurant           
          employees would give Motomi cash, and she would write checks on             
          their behalf for rent and other bills.  However, the record is              
          devoid of specific names, dates, or amounts of any of those                 
               When the Takaos went on trips, Motomi sometimes paid their             
          bills, and she was reimbursed by them in cash.  For instance, in            
          1991 Motomi wrote checks totaling $770 to her parents' gardener.            
               In 1991 Motomi wrote checks totaling $6,009.49 to or on                
          behalf of her brother, Junichi, who needed money at the time                
          because he was going through a divorce.                                     
               During 1990 and 1991, Motomi often made separate, multiple             
          cash deposits on a single day, several times per week.  For                 
          example, on January 28, 1991, Motomi made three deposits for                
          $100, $140, and $200.  All of the deposits were made at the same            
          time; i.e., on a single trip to the bank.  Motomi purportedly               
          made deposits in that manner because she put cash from different            

          letters), refer to Nicholas as "Takao".  The exhibit was received           
          in evidence for the nonhearsay purpose of showing the relatives'            

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Last modified: May 25, 2011