Donna M. Neighbors - Page 3

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          Northwest, the assignee of the Note and mortgage, received                  
          $86,300 of the sales proceeds in satisfaction of the Note, and              
          other proceeds of the sale were used to pay some of petitioner's            
          liabilities.  One of these liabilities was $1,349 of legal fees             
          which were incurred in connection with the sale.  Petitioner                
          received $18,651 of the sales proceeds, exclusive of amounts paid           
          on her behalf.                                                              
               Petitioner filed a 1991 Form 1040, U.S. Individual Income              
          Tax Return.  Included therewith was a 1991 Form 2119, Sale of               
          Your Home, which reported that petitioner realized a $93,737 gain           
          on the sale of the residence and that she would be purchasing               
          another residence within the "replacement period" in order to               
          defer the gain.  Petitioner computed her gain by subtracting her            
          $38,000 basis in the residence from its selling price of                    
               Petitioner did not replace the residence within the                    
          "replacement period".  On or about August 28, 1996, petitioner              
          amended her 1991 Form 1040 by filing Form 1040X, Amended U.S.               
          Individual Income Tax Return.  The Form 1040X reported that the             
          selling price of the residence was $29,402, that petitioner's               
          basis therein was zero, and that her gain on the sale was                   
               Respondent determined that petitioner realized a $93,737               
          gain on the sale of the residence and that this gain was taxable            
          in 1991.  Respondent asserts in brief that the determination of             

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Last modified: May 25, 2011