Manuel J. Serpa, Jr. and Patricia A. Serpa - Page 3

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          Danises were represented by John L. Capone (Capone) and were                
          insured by Allstate Insurance Co. (Allstate).                               
               On January 3, 1990, the trial court entered a default                  
          judgment against the Danises, and, on May 18, 1990, filed a final           
          entry of judgment in which the court awarded Mrs. Serpa $115,000            
          plus interest and costs.  The clerk of the court added statutory            
          prejudgment interest totaling $46,079 as required by R.I. Gen.              
          Laws section 9-21-10 (1985).  This totals $161,079.  The award of           
          $115,000 is 71.39 percent of $161,079.  The statutory prejudgment           
          interest of $46,079 is 28.61 percent of $161,079.                           
               On June 19, 1990, the Danises filed a motion to vacate the             
          judgment.  On January 23, 1991, the trial court denied the                  
          Danises' motion.  The Danises appealed the denial of their motion           
          to the Rhode Island Supreme Court.                                          
          C.   The Settlement                                                         
               After filing the notice of appeal, the Danises agreed to pay           
          Mrs. Serpa $150,000 for a release and discharge of any and all              
          past or future claims.  Petitioners and Lewis J. Paras signed the           
          release on May 24, 1991.  The parties did not discuss tax                   
          consequences during settlement negotiations.  The release did not           
          state whether any of the $150,000 was interest, and the parties             
          did not otherwise allocate any of the amount to interest.  On               
          June 5, 1991, the parties filed a stipulation of dismissal with             
          the trial court.  Another stipulation was filed on June 14, 1991,           
          that the "matter may be dismissed with prejudice; no interest, no           

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Last modified: May 25, 2011