Richard J. and Carol C. Spera - Page 18

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          the timing of the depreciation deductions raises questions                  
          regarding GRC's intended use of the Ashland Building and who was            
          actually using the building during the years in issue.                      
          Depreciation deductions may not be claimed until an asset is                
          placed in service.  Rybak v. Commissioner, 91 T.C. 524, 561                 
          (1988); sec. 1.167(a)-10(b), Income Tax Regs.  An asset is first            
          placed in service when it is placed "in a condition or state of             
          readiness and availability for a specifically assigned function".           
          Sec. 1.167(a)-11(e)(1)(i), Income Tax Regs.; see also Cooper v.             
          Commissioner, 542 F.2d 599, 601 (2d Cir. 1976), affg. per curiam            
          T.C. Memo. 1975-320; Piggly Wiggly S., Inc. v. Commissioner, 84             
          T.C. 739, 745-746 (1985), affd. on another issue 803 F.2d 1572              
          (11th Cir. 1986).  The Ashland Building was apparently placed in            
          service, substantially complete and available for occupancy, on             
          August 1, 1990, with later related building improvements placed             
          in service on January 2, 1992, January 1, 1993, and February 15,            
          1994.  However, petitioners claim that GRC has utilized the                 
          Ashland Building as its corporate headquarters and for record               
          storage since 1995, and that GRC has used the building as an                
          operational precious metals melting facility since February 1998.           
          Given these facts, we conclude that an entity, other than GRC,              
          utilized the Ashland Building during the years in issue.                    
               And third, we find numerous inconsistencies between GRC's              
          stated intent to use the Ashland Building as a refinery and other           

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Last modified: May 25, 2011