Estate of Honore V. De St. Aubin, Deceased, Ovide E. De St. Aubin, Executor, et al. - Page 12

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                            10/26/77       32,500                                     

             Modern Globe paid no dividends on its common stock for at                
             least 5 years prior to Mr. de St. Aubin's death and at                   
             least 3 years prior to the execution of his will.  Prior to              
             Mr. de St. Aubin's death, Modern Globe was experiencing                  
             financial difficulties.  At the time he executed his                     
             will, a bank loan agreement prohibited Modern Globe from                 
             paying dividends without prior written bank consent.                     
                  In the late 1970's and early 1980's, Modern Globe's                 
             fortunes greatly improved.  Modern Globe's board of                      
             directors chose to reinvest earnings in the corporation                  
             in order to satisfy existing debt and to avoid incurring                 
             additional debt during an anticipated expansion of the                   
             business.  To those ends, Modern Globe retained earnings                 
             of approximately $12.8 million in 1978, which increased                  
             to approximately $23.5 million in 1984.                                  
                  During the administration of Mr. de St. Aubin's                     
             estate, after the estate gained control of Modern Globe and              
             Pohatcong Investors, the two corporations regularly lent                 
             money to the estate, often interest free.  The principal                 
             amount of the loans to the estate was more than $2 million.              
             In addition, Modern Globe guaranteed lines of credit to the              
             estate in the amounts of $500,000 in 1974, $1 million in                 

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Last modified: May 25, 2011