Estate of Dorothy Walsh, Deceased, Charles E. Walsh, Personal Respresentative - Page 5

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                         d.   If said spouse should at                                
                              any time be determined as                               
                              incompetent * * *, said                                 
                              spouse shall take no                                    
                              benefits hereunder and                                  
                              this Trust shall be                                     
                              treated and distributed                                 
                              as if said spouse had                                   
                    2.   After the death of the surviving                             
                         spouse or after the incompetency of                          
                         the surviving spouse * * *                                   
                         a.   All property in TRUST A,                                
                              including income, shall                                 
                              be distributed to such                                  
                              appointee or appointees                                 
                              in the manner and                                       
                              proportions as the                                      
                              surviving spouse may                                    
                              designate by Will                                       
                              expressly referring to                                  
                              this general power of                                   
                              appointment, including                                  
                              the power in said spouse                                
                              to appoint all thereof to                               
                              said spouse's estate,                                   
                              free of any Trust                                       
                              hereunder.  Such general                                
                              power of appointment                                    
                              shall exist immediately                                 
                              upon the death of the                                   
                              first one of us to die                                  
                              and shall be exercisable                                
                              by the surviving spouse                                 
                              exclusively and in all                                  
                         b.   Any portion of TRUST A                                  
                              which is not effectively                                
                              disposed of by the above                                
                              provision shall be                                      
                              divided into six (6)                                    
                              equal shares so as to be                                
                              disposed of in cash or                                  
                              property, in kind, as the                               
                              Trustee deems best in the                               
                              Trustee's complete                                      

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Last modified: May 25, 2011