Joan Walters, f.k.a. Joan Gherman, and Henry Gherman - Page 46

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          ended 1988.  Accordingly, we sustain respondent's determination             
          as to the addition to tax under section 6651(a)(1).                         
          Innocent Spouse Relief                                                      
               Petitioners contend that Ms. Walters qualifies for relief              
          under the innocent spouse provisions of section 6013(e) from                
          liability for the deficiencies and additions to tax determined              
          for years ended 1984, 1985, and 1986 (the applicable years).                
          Respondent contends, however, that Ms. Walters is not entitled to           
          relief under section 6013(e).                                               
               Spouses who file a joint income tax return generally are               
          jointly and severally liable for its accuracy and the tax due,              
          including any additional taxes, interest, or additions to tax               
          determined on audit of the return.  Sec. 6013(d)(3).  However,              
          pursuant to section 6013(e), a spouse can be relieved of tax                
          liability if that spouse shows that he or she qualifies as an               
          "innocent spouse".  To qualify as an innocent spouse under                  
          section 6013(e), a taxpayer must prove:  (1) He or she filed a              
          joint return for the years in issue; (2) there is a substantial             
          understatement of income tax attributable to grossly erroneous              
          items of the other spouse on the return; (3) he or she did not              
          know or have reason to know of the substantial understatement               
          when the return was signed; and (4) it would be inequitable to              
          hold the "innocent" spouse liable for the deficiency attributable           
          to the substantial understatement.  Sec. 6013(e)(1).  Failure to            
          meet any of the requirements precludes a taxpayer from qualifying           

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