Vincent E. & Judy Bot - Page 5

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               On the Forms 4797, Sales of Business Property, attached to             
          their returns, Mr. and Mrs. Bot reported gains from the sales of            
          sows in 1993, gains from sales of sows in 1994, losses from sales           
          of gilts and boars in 1994, and losses form the sale of boars in            
          1995.  One of the adjustments to their income which is not in               
          issue was that Mr. and Mrs. Bot each received Minnesota Corn                
          Processors Income.                                                          
               Section 1401 provides that a tax shall be imposed on the               
          self-employment income of every individual.  Generally, rentals             
          from real estate are excluded from the computation of net                   
          earnings from self-employment.  Sec. 1402(a)(1).  However,                  
          section 1402(a)(1) also provides that rentals derived by the                
          owner or tenant of land are not excluded from the computation of            
          net earnings from self-employment if:                                       
               (A) such income is derived under an arrangement, between the           
               owner or tenant and another individual, which provides that            
               such other individual shall produce agricultural * * *                 
               commodities (including livestock * * *) on such land, and              
               that there shall be material participation by the owner or             
               tenant * * * in the production or the management of the                
               production of such agricultural * * * commodities, and (B)             
               there is material participation by the owner or tenant * * *           
               with respect to any such agricultural * * * commodity;                 

               In other words, as the regulations provide in pertinent                
          part, if the rental income is derived under an arrangement                  
          between the owner of land (owner) and another person which                  

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Last modified: May 25, 2011