Gerald H. Evans - Page 4

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               Form 4549 stated in pertinent part as follows:                         
               Consent to Assessment and Collection - I do not wish                   
               to exercise my appeal rights with the Internal Revenue                 
               Service or to contest in the United States Tax Court                   
               the findings in this report.  Therefore, I give my                     
               consent to the immediate assessment and collection of                  
               any increase in tax and penalties, and accept any                      
               decrease in tax and penalties shown above, plus any                    
               interest as provided by law.  It is understood that                    
               this report is subject to acceptance by the District                   
               In November 1982, petitioner invested in a partnership known           
          as PBB Recycling Associates II (PBB).  Petitioner became a                  
          limited partner of PBB, owning a 27.3-percent interest in the               
          profits, losses, and capital therein.  During 1982, PBB was a               
          limited partner in a partnership known as Taylor Recycling                  
          Associates (Taylor).  Taylor was a first-tier TEFRA partnership             
          involved in plastics recycling.  PBB owned a 2.91-percent                   
          interest in the profits, losses, and capital of Taylor.                     
               On his 1982 return, petitioner claimed a net loss and a                
          business energy investment credit consistent with the 1982                  
          Schedule K-1 that he received from PBB.  The propriety of such              
          loss and credit was not within the scope of Agent Coar's                    
          examination, and Agent Coar did not question either the loss or             
          the credit during the course of his examination of petitioner's             
          1982 return.                                                                
               On February 16, 1988, respondent issued a Notice of Final              
          Partnership Administrative Adjustment (FPAA) for the taxable year           
          1982 to the Tax Matters Partner (TMP) of PBB as a partner of                
          Taylor.  Thereafter, a partnership proceeding captioned Taylor              

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Last modified: May 25, 2011