- 5 - A smaller portion of petitioner's time was spent at the Hilton Head concert hall rehearsing performances and conducting concerts. Petitioner traveled about 120 miles (round trip) to perform these duties at the Hilton Head concert hall. On petitioners' returns for 1993 and 1994, petitioners claimed home office expense deductions in the amounts of $1,094 and $1,106, respectively.3 Petitioners also claimed car and truck expense deductions in the amounts of $6,720 for 1993 and $6,000 for 1994.4 OPINION Section 162(a) allows a deduction for the ordinary and necessary expenses paid or incurred during the taxable year in carrying on a trade or business. Section 280A(a) provides that in the case of a taxpayer who is an individual, no deduction otherwise allowable under chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code (relating to normal taxes and surtaxes) shall be allowed with respect to the use of a dwelling unit which is used by the taxpayer during the taxable year as a residence. Section 280A(c) provides for exceptions to the general rule of section 280A(a). As pertinent herein, section 3 Respondent concedes that there is no issue as to substantiation and does not contend that the ratio of expenses allocated to the home office exceeds the proper allocation. 4 Similarly, respondent concedes that these expenses have been substantiated.Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011