Investment Research Associates - Page 10

                                       - 10 -                                         
               B.   Cedilla Invest. - 1977 Domestic Transaction                       
                    (Master Lease Transaction) ............ 518                       
               C.   Cedilla Invest.-1979 Foreign Transaction (British                 
                    Aerospace Transaction) .............. 519                         
               D.   IRA-1980 Domestic Transaction (Mini Computer                      
                    Transaction) ................... 524                              
               E.   IRA-1980 Foreign/Domestic Transaction (Alfred                     
                    Teves Transaction) ................ 525                           
               F.   Cedilla Invest.-"Lexet Transactions", "Ben Energy                 
                    Transactions", and "Dard Systems Transactions" .. 526             
               G.   Equitable Leasing ................. 529                           
          Issue 23.  Whether IRA is Entitled to a Claimed Loss on Form                
               4797 of $1,073,835 for 1988 .............. 536                         
          FINDINGS OF FACT ...................... 536                                 
          OPINION ........................... 540                                     
          Issue 24.  Whether IRA Is Entitled to a Charitable                          
               Contribution Carryover Deduction for 1983 ....... 545                  
          OPINION ........................... 545                                     
          Issue 25.  Whether IRA Is Entitled to Certain Claimed                       
               Capital Losses for 1985 ................ 545                           
          FINDINGS OF FACT ...................... 545                                 
          OPINION ........................... 548                                     
          Issue 26.  Whether IRA Is Entitled to Claimed Bad Debt                      
               Deductions for 1987 .................. 556                             
          FINDINGS OF FACT ...................... 556                                 
          OPINION ........................... 558                                     
          Issue 27.  Whether IRA Is Entitled to Claimed Ordinary                      
               Losses on Sales of Notes Receivable for 1987 ...... 561                
          FINDINGS OF FACT ...................... 561                                 
          OPINION ........................... 564                                     
          Issue 28.  Whether IRA Is Entitled to Certain Capital Losses                
               for 1987 ........................ 571                                  

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Last modified: May 25, 2011