Investment Research Associates - Page 101

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         Date Established         Ballard                   Lisle                     
         10/23/73            CMB Cinema Trust36        RWL Cinema Trust               
         7/15/75             CMB Cinema Trust II       RWL Cinema Trust II            
         6/03/80             Summit Trust              Basking Ridge Trust            
         11/02/81            Seabright Trust                                          
              Mrs. Lisle and/or Lisle's children or descendants were the              
         beneficiaries of Lisle's grantor trusts, and Kanter and/or                   
         Weisgal were the trustees.  Mrs. Ballard and/or Ballard's                    
         children were the beneficiaries of Ballard's grantor trusts, and             
         Kanter and/or Weisgal were the trustees.                                     
              The CMB Cinema Trust and CMB Cinema Trust II, RWL Cinema                
         Trust, and RWL Cinema Trust II (hereinafter collectively referred            
         to as the Cinema trusts) each made investments, as limited                   
         partners, in certain movie shelter partnerships.  Each trust                 
         financed the acquisition of its movie partnership interest                   
         through loans from IRA and Int'l Films.                                      
              The Seabright Corp. was owned by the Mary Family Trust.  The            
         Seabright Corp. owned a farm called Seabright Farm located near              
         Little Rock, Arkansas.  The beneficiaries of the Mary Family                 
         Trust were Mary Ballard and her three daughters.  The records of             
         the Seabright Corp. were maintained at Ballard's residence.  Mary            
         Ballard was an officer of the Seabright Corp.                                
              On May 29, 1976, the CMB Cinema Venture partnership was                 
         formed.  The CMB Cinema Trust and the CMB Cinema Trust II were               

               In 1979, the CMB Cinema Trust was divided into 10 separate             

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Last modified: May 25, 2011