Baine P. and Mildred C. Kerr - Page 13

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          the sole initial trustee.   On the same date, petitioner Mildred C.         
          Kerr created the Mildred Caldwell Kerr 1994 Retained Annuity Trust          
          under which she served as the sole initial trustee.  (The above-            
          described trusts will hereinafter be referred to as the GRAT’s.)            
          The GRAT’s were structured to provide petitioners with two annuity          
          payments--the first payment was due December 29, 1994, and the              
          second payment was due December 30, 1995.  The GRAT’s were each set         
          to terminate on the earlier of December 30, 1995, or the date of            
          the grantor's death.                                                        
               On December 28, 1994, petitioners each executed a document             
          entitled “Assignment of Partnership Interest”, stating that they            
          were each transferring to the GRAT’s trustees a 44.535-percent              
          class B limited partnership interest in KFLP as more particularly           
          described in Schedule I thereto.  The parties agree that the GRAT’s         
          trustees were permitted assignees within the meaning of section             
          8.03 of the KFLP partnership agreement.  Schedule I to the                  
          assignments states in pertinent part: “The Assigned Partnership             
          Interest constituted a Class B Limited Partnership Interest in              
          [KFLP] when owned by Assignor and, when owned by Assignee, shall            
          constitute a Class B Limited Partnership Interest in said                   
               On December 29, 1994, and December 30, 1995, petitioners each          
          executed documents entitled “Assignment of Annuity” in which they           
          sold the rights to their annual GRAT’s annuity payments in exchange         
          for promissory notes from the GRAT’s.  On December 29, 1994, and            

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Last modified: May 25, 2011