Kermit W. Kinkade - Page 1


                                 T.C. Memo. 1999-180                                  

                               UNITED STATES TAX COURT                                

                          KERMIT W. KINKADE, Petitioner v.                            
                    COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE, Respondent                      

               Docket No. 604-98.                       Filed June 1, 1999.           

               Kermit W. Kinkade, pro se.                                             
               D. Lyndell Pickett, for respondent.                                    

                                 MEMORANDUM OPINION                                   

               BEGHE, Judge:  Respondent determined the following                     
          deficiencies in and additions to petitioner's Federal income                
                                     Additions to Tax                                
          Year      Deficiency     Sec. 6651(a)(1)     Sec. 6654(a)                   
          1992      $4,008            $1,002             ---                          
          1993      10,387             2,597            $318                          
          1994        8,861             2,215             359                         

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Last modified: May 25, 2011