Tom I. Lincir and Diane C. Lincir - Page 4

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          This second stipulation resolved other issues concerning the                
          deficiencies at issue.                                                      
               After additional concessions,3 the issues remaining for                
          decision are:  (1) Whether petitioners are liable for additions             
          to tax for negligence or intentional disregard of rules or                  
          regulations pursuant to section 6653(a) (or pursuant to section             
          6653(a)(1) and (2) for the years 1981 and 1982); (2) whether                
          petitioners are liable for increased interest on underpayments              
          attributable to a tax-motivated transaction pursuant to section             
          6621(c); and (3) whether petitioners are liable for the addition            
          to tax imposed under section 6661 for making a substantial                  
          understatement for the year 1982.                                           
                                  FINDINGS OF FACT                                    
               The parties filed two stipulations of settlement of tax                
          shelter adjustments, a first stipulation of facts with attached             
          exhibits, a second stipulation of facts, and a third stipulation            
          of facts, with more attached exhibits.  The facts reflected are             

          deductions claimed by the taxpayers for losses incurred in                  
          connection with that program.                                               
          3  In 1992, the parties filed a Stipulation of Settlement of Tax            
          Shelter Adjustment that resolved issues relating to the                     
          Dorchester litigation project.  The parties have also stipulated            
          that petitioner Diane C. Lincir is not entitled to "innocent                
          spouse" relief pursuant to sec. 6013(e) for the years at issue.             
          We also note that the parties' First Stipulation of Facts                   
          indicates that the deficiencies for the years involved might be             
          affected by questions of net operating loss and investment tax              
          credit carrybacks from years not before the Court.  We accept the           
          parties' representations that these carryback issues have been              
          resolved by their other agreements.                                         

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Last modified: May 25, 2011