Lowell L. and Marilyn A. Robertson - Page 23

                                       - 23 -                                         
             other unitholders raised an issue with the seller of the                 
             equipment, the appraiser, or any other person about the                  
             failure of the Appraisal to provide the residual value                   
             of the equipment at the expiration of the master leases.                 
                  We note other errors in the Appraisal.  As stated                   
             therein, the residual values of the equipment upon                       
             expiration of the initial user leases are discounted "at                 
             16%" in order to obtain the present values.  In reviewing                
             those computations, we noted two inconsistencies.  Our                   
             computations are set forth below:                                        

                       "Residual"               Interest   Present                    
                       Value          Months      Rate     Value                      
             Exh A     $1,062,751     54        16.00%    $519,763                    
             Exh B     179,800        47        12.00      1112,638                   
             Exh C     261,855        37        12.00     181,205                     
             Exh D     188,502        31        16.75      122,657                    
                       1,692,908                          936,263                     

                  1This amount is $125 more than the amount in the                    
             appraisal, $112,763, which we were not able to duplicate.                

             From the above, the first inconsistency is that Mr. Wilkins              
             used three interest rates in discounting the "residual"                  
             values at the expiration of the initial user leases, 16,                 
             12, and 16.75 percent (referred to in the Appraisal as debt              
             interest rate or assumed debt rate), rather than the single              
             rate of 16 percent.  The second inconsistency is that                    

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Last modified: May 25, 2011