Mann Construction Co., Inc. - Page 7

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          negotiate any agreement for partial payment, or otherwise taken             
          any legal action to try to collect from Mark Mann.  However, as             
          of July 21, 1992, Mark Mann's liabilities to parties other than             
          petitioner were approximately $24,256; his only assets were a               
          travel trailer that served as his residence, worth approximately            
          $5,200, and a used truck, worth approximately $2,000.                       
               In addition, approximately a year prior to petitioner's                
          cancellation of the advances--in approximately July 1991--Mark              
          Mann had sought credit counseling.  At that time, Mark Mann                 
          listed the balance then due petitioner as one of his debts, and             
          the counseling service recommended bankruptcy.                              
               Moreover, in September 1991 Mark Mann became unemployed.  He           
          remained unemployed throughout 1992, and collected unemployment             
          compensation during most or all of that year.  As a result of               
          this unemployment, Mark Mann became unable to make the payments             
          arranged by the credit counseling service as they came due, and             
          he was struggling with his financial obligations flowing from a             
          recent divorce.                                                             
               Finally, in March 1992 petitioner decided to discontinue,              
          and sold many of the assets of, its Government contracting                  
          business, in which Mark Mann had worked.                                    
               Prior to his period of unemployment beginning in September             
          1991, Mark Mann had always believed he would be able to repay               

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Last modified: May 25, 2011