Darl N. and Bonnie S. Miller - Page 5

          - 5 -                                                                       
                   2.  Copies of invoices for credit reports                          
                   from SARMA and any other reporting                                 
                   services that total $25,283 for 1993.                              
                   3.  Invoices to substantiate Business                              
                   Development expense of $20,932 less the                            
                   $5,000 loan payment that the taxpayer                              
                   included in this account.  The examiner                            
                   has allowed 60% based on an estimate                               
                   because the taxpayer did not provide                               
                   substantiation during the examination.                             
                   Since this is not acceptable to the                                
                   taxpayer, the full amount needs to be                              
                   4.  Invoices for $1,417.84 from American                           
                   Express and $1,000 from Centurion deducted                         
                   as a cost of loans.                                                
                   5.  Invoices from The Platinum Card for                            
                   $760.47 and $348.00 that was deducted as                           
                   labor costs.                                                       
                   6.  Invoices or other substantiation for                           
                   the $7,296.29 deducted as cost of funds.                           
              Thanks for your cooperation.                                            
              By letter dated July 9, 1997, Mr. Leeper responded to the               
         appeals officer's letter of June 20, 1997, and provided to                   
         respondent the requested documentation, including those                      
         invoices showing payments to "Sarma".                                        
              On July 22, 1997, within 2 weeks from having received the               
         substantiation from Mr. Leeper that was requested by                         
         respondent, the appeals officer forwarded to Mr. Leeper a                    
         proposed stipulation and decision document.  On October 1,                   
         1997, the parties filed a stipulation of settlement in this                  

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Last modified: May 25, 2011