Forest R. Preston - Page 5

                                        - 5 -                                         
                              FINAL JUDGMENT AND DECREE                               
                    * * * it is the judgement of the Court that a                     
               total divorce be granted.  * * *  Each party is awarded                
               their personal property and other property which is in                 
               their possession.                                                      
                    The Plaintiff is awarded permanent custody of the                 
               two minor children of the parties * * *                                
                              *    *    *    *    *    *    *                         
                    Defendant shall pay to the Plaintiff the sum of                   
               $800.00 per month per child as child support and                       
               Defendant shall commence said payments of child support                
               on August 1, 1993, with a payment of $800.00 and an                    
               equal payment of $800.00 on August 15, 1993 and said                   
               payments shall continue on the 1st and 15th of each                    
               calendar month until each child attains the age of 18,                 
               marries, dies, becomes fully self-supportive or                        
               otherwise emancipated, whichever event shall first                     
               occur the child support shall terminate.  * * *                        
                              *    *    *    *    *    *    *                         
                    The Plaintiff is awarded the * * * [Columbus                      
               house], and the Plaintiff is to make payments on the                   
               indebtedness secured by said real property and shall                   
               hold the Defendant harmless therefrom for payments due                 
               on said property.                                                      
                    The Defendant shall pay to the Plaintiff a lump                   
               sum award of alimony total of $180,000.00 with                         
               $120,000.00 payable at $1,000.00 per month for ten (10)                
               years, beginning on August 1, 1993, and then in five                   
               (5) years, due on the 14th day of July, 1998, the                      
               Defendant shall pay to the Plaintiff a lump sum of                     
               $10,000.00 and then in ten (10) years, due on the 14th                 
               day of July, 2003, the Defendant shall pay to the                      
               Plaintiff $50,000.00.  * * *                                           
                              *    *    *    *    *    *    *                         

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